
Intelligent management of vascular access information

NephroCloud® is a multidisciplinary and multicenter software for nephrology, surgery, radiology and nursery professionals, allowing them to access and manage nimbly and ubiquitously all information related to vascular access in hemodialysis patients.

software acceso vascular


The system is hosted on the Internet, centralizes storage of interrelated data, intelligently manages, automates processes, and through its friendly efficient interface makes efficient work, becoming a valuable support for decision-making.

Main Features


NephroCloud® enables real-time coordination of the work of clinicians involved in the different areas: nephrology, vascular surgery, radiology, nursing, etc…
The application also supports the role of managers: responsible department healthcare quality control, cost control, billing for services…
And although the system is designed mainly for healthcare function is also useful in the fields of research and teaching.


Multiple users can interact simultaneously with NephroCloud®. By identifying at the time of access to the system, which provides security, each user accesses the profile that is assigned with the appropriate permissions for consultation, input and modification of data, etc…
NephroCloud® administrator can change dynamically and agility permits each profile, as well as create or drop profiles.


Different centers can simultaneously connect to NephroCloud® for sharing information and coordinating its actions: from the reference center hospital until the various satellite centers.

Internet Application

NephroCloud® is offered in SaaS mode (Software as a Service). The application is hosted in the “cloud” of the Internet, and users can access it from any device with network access.
This involves continuing updating the software, and the absence of direct and indirect costs of system maintenance.


NephroCloud® is based on the strategic alliance between two Reference partners: Corporació Sanitaria Parc Tauli and Seys. The functionality of the system is conceived by Dr. Jose Ibeas from an extensive clinical practice, is based on the knowledge and experience of a well-known center as the Corporación Sanitaria and Universitaria Parc Taulí, Hospital de Sabadell (Barcelona, Spain) and its development, updating and maintenance rests with an expert computer engineering as Seys, with extensive and diversified activities in the field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).

Friendly Interface

NephroCloud®  navigation has been designed so that, despite the large amount of data and variables which manages, becomes simple and intuitive. Task flow, access to the data, image analysis, etc.. is optimized from the experience so that they are quite easy and intuitive.